Orgy of Spiral Jetties

Spiral Jetties

Orgy of Spiral Jetties, Aydin Hayri, 2015. Acrylic, charcoal, varnish, and steel mesh on canvas, 24” × 24”

The Spiral Jetty, Robert Smithson’s seminal work, an earthwork sculpture, etched on the surface of the earth. Does not this small painting look pathetic in comparison to the grand scale of the real thing? Well, I intend this to be applied on a retaining wall next to our house. Then it may compare a bit better, in physical dimension only, to the real thing.

The orgy shows nine spiral jetties of in different colors and shapes connected around one of them.  The Spiral Jetty is an awe inspiring work that may be assigned spiritual meanings, whether meant by the artist of not. Spirals have also popped up as symbols in wide swath of cultures around the world, as well as appearing many natural phenomena, like the storms. This painting shows the spiritual unity and vibrancy of our world.


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